"Do not fear" we shall persevere
A Note from the owner This is a difficult time for all of us, and the most important thing we can do is follow the advice of experts to...

We are Proud to Sponsor Lionfish Removal and Awareness
Matthew Baransy and A DJ Connection are proud to make our local waters cleaner, safer and better. We are proud to partner and sponsor...

25 Years Serving Pensacola and Counting
It was July 3rd 1989 when Melinda Baransy and I moved our already successful dj, sound and entertainment business from Virginia Beach VA...

Goodbye 2013 and 2014 Makes 25 Years of Serving Pensacola with a lot of FUN!
The year 2013 marked my 24th year in business in Pensacola Florida. I have enjoyed employing and working with so many talented people...